Words Save Lives and ME

Wait, what is Words Save Lives?
An annual tradition in Lawrence, Kansas, USA since 2014, with the possibility of happening anywhere! Ours is always on September 10, World Suicide Prevention Day. And it can be any day in any community. It is an arts performance event featuring artists of word, dance, drag, comedy, storytelling, poetry and more. Donations are appreciated and never required. It is a space of safety, connection, compassion, and fun. Because, and you may quote me, “Without laughter we explode. And that is just not pretty!”

Performers are people with diverse identities, and with any or all of these experiences with suicide: living with suicide thoughts and/or attempts, living with suicide grief, supporting loved ones who are struggling with suicide, and/or working in a volunteer or paid capacity with people who are struggling with suicide (which could be any of us.) Performers are also people with ties to the community of that Words Save Lives.

Core Beliefs and Values of Words Save Lives:

  • Words save lives. Communication is the first step. 
  • Communication through art saves lives.
  • Living a life one is GLAD to live is the opposite of dying by suicide. “Suicide prevention” is not the ultimate goal.
  • Increasing our connections, our sense of belonging, and our sense of being valued makes life worth living.
  • Social justice makes life worth living for all.
  • Each person is the expert in their own experience.
  • We value people of all identities, experiences, and perspectives.  We hold special love and respect for those who are marginalized. And those of us with more privilege hold doors open to welcome people with less privilege to all the “stages.”
  • Many of us have multiple experiences with suicide: living with suicide grief; living with suicide thoughts and/or attempts; living with suicide grief, supporting loved one(s) who struggle with suicide; and/ or volunteer or paid or work with people who are struggling with suicide.
  • No being is summed up by one of their identities or experiences.
  • Communication through art saves lives!

The Call To Action:
Each day, let’s work on helping every person experience life with much goodness, with a sense of being valued, and a sense of belonging. With every person, especially those in oppressed groups, having access to health care, education, housing, nutrition, exercise, art and culture, employment, and fair salaries. With every person having a strong support network and the skills to balance the challenges that are part of life.

Most people are able to smile at others more often, listen more carefully, believe what a person says about how they feel, and/or perform small acts of kindness. Some of us can actively advocate for social justice, and some of us can reach large audiences, including people with the power to lead system changes. Some of us are those people with large reach. That’s what “suicide prevention” really looks like.

And also… Words Save Lives events can be in any community across the globe at any time of the year! Do it! In the ways that are right for your community! And I will be so happy to hear about what you do. Please email me at M.Epstein.LMSW@gmail.com

And if you read no more than what is above this statement, I’m still happier than I was before writing this blog.  Thank you!

So who is Marcia Epstein?
Some early influences

  • Being a beloved granddaughter of Russian Jew immigrants, who were dedicated to helping others
  • Being the daughter of a mom who taught us LOVE
  • And also … chaos  in childhood that included sexual abuse

Which contributed to

  • being able to be with people through difficult times as well as joyful times
  • extensive volunteerism in emotional support organizations, starting in high school
  • serving as a Crisis Center Volunteer Counselor, and then Director
  • eventually becoming a professional mental health social worker dedicated to collaboration, respect, caring, accessibility, and ongoing learning
  • being able to live well with suicide grief from many close ones
  • being part of an extensive circle of beloved FriendsFamily
  • and KNOWING that “Love really IS the answer.”

(For ME, Personal & Professional Experiences with Suicide)
+ (Love of Artists & Arts)

= Words Save Lives
Just before Thanksgiving 2013, I was told that my 34 years of service as Director of the free, 24/7 counseling center in Lawrence, Kansas were over. Soon after that day, the founders of a new internet community radio station (Kim Murphree, Michael Murphree, Daniel Smith, and Jay Wachs) urged me to launch a show featuring conversations about “real life.” That show became a podcast, Talk With ME. The podcast and volunteering on the Training Team of the then-new Trans Lifeline, provided new opportunities for my passions and expertise, and allowed time for healing while I developed a new circle of FriendsFamily and a social work practice focused on work with people with experiences with suicide, with grief, and with trans and nonbinary youth and adults. 

Thanks to Talk With ME, I quickly recognized that I had a special connection with poets and other artists, and their powerful communication through art. These international artists of word and other media had many personal experiences and values in common with my favorite people in the international “suicide prevention” community where I had “lived” for so long.  And during Talk With ME conversations, many artists spontaneously said things like “creating my art saved my life.” 

Connections with Topeka-Lawrence-KC area poets, including the Red Tail Collective in Lawrence, grew and allowed me to use my organizing skills to help bring those poets to several stages in Lawrence, Kansas during 2014: the Voice of Lawrence Poetry Slam, poetry and arts for young children at the July 4th Community Festival, the first Poetry Alley (which also featured art activities for young children) at the annual Lawrence Busker Festival, and on September 10,  World Suicide Prevention Day, the first annual Words Save Lives

Words Save Lives started with Poets and some musical accompaniment. Through the years the arts and the geographic area where our audience and performers come from have expanded, We have had belly dance, and other dance, drag, aerial acrobatics, music, comedy, storytelling, poetry, and in 2023 we have “live painting.” 

2022 was the 9th year of Words Save Lives.  In 2022, the expansion to 11 communities across the state of Kansas and hopefully to other states and countries began. I thank 2019-2022 Kansas Poet Laureate Huascar Medina and the Academy of American Poets for launching this expansion.

2023 is the Tenth Annual Words Save Lives in Lawrence, Kansas, USA! And we added some fabulous extras:

  • We are encouraging donations for unhoused people living in Lawrence.
  • Even closer collaboration with the artists of BLACK Lawrence
  • Jancy Pettit, Spirit of Art, “live painting” the essence of the event. 
  • Poet-Professor-AndMuchMore Dennis Etzel, Jr. is providing an intro to his workshop on creating personal rituals for writing.
  • Sharing a potluck meal together
  • Words Save Lives, Part 2, Open Mic for Poetry, Storytelling, and Music on September 26, 2023 during the monthly Cicada Open Mic, hosted by accordionist Andy Connolly

Respect and Gratitude:
Words Save Lives has grown into a place that creates and strengthens connections, that reminds us that we are valued. A place with all the love and laughter and NO shame. Because We The People, in all our Beauty, need our Experiences represented by Artists of Poetry, Comedy, Story, Music, Drag, and more! At Words Save Lives we celebrate being together. We celebrate living lives with so much love and goodness that we are able to get through the hardships. We communicate about all that, not just about our experiences with suicide. And we recognize that so many, too many, have more than one of the experiences with suicide.

Words Save Lives really is about LOVE. Love that is shared within the group of diverse people together in a special space  at a special time. Even during the COVID Pandemic when we missed being together in-person, and still we were happy that technology allowed us to be together. Love between all the people in all the roles: listening, watching, sharing, hugging, performing, talking, drawing ….

I am so grateful to each person who has supported Words Save Lives events over the years. I hold special appreciation for those who contributed so much energy and love:

  • Poets of the Red Tail Collective in 2014: Megan McHenry, Jessica Elise, David Douglas, Dustin Baxter, Anna Michener, Mark Hennessy, Erica Hunter, Maxine Asbury, Garret Tufte, and Topher Enneking
  • Co-Planners with me for WSL’s include: Poet Annette Billings, Poet Ande Johnson, Poet Cei Loofe, 2019-2022 Kansas Poet Laureate Huascar Medina, Writer-Poet Ronda Miller, and Musician-StoryTeller Stephen Smith
  • An anonymous donor
  • Lawrence, KS Location Hosts: David & Nancy Longhurst of The Oread Inn & The Eldridge Hotel; Eric Kirkendall and then Stephen Smith of Lawrence Creates Makerspace
  • So Many Beautiful-In-All-The-Ways Performers (noted on each year’s event page)
  • And Audience Members


~ Marcia Epstein, LMSW

Marcia Epstein, LMSW is a long-time member of the USA-and-beyond “suicide prevention” community. Her special areas: grief, including suicide grief; reducing suicide risk; and support for trans and nonbinary youth and adults.  Her home is Lawrence, Kansas, USA where she served as a volunteer, then as Director for 34 years, of Headquarters Counseling Center, now known as KSPHQ, which serves Kansas on 988, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.  Her current social work practice is rooted in compassion, expertise, experiences, accessibility, and collaboration. Through individual and “family” work, support groups, retreats, and special events, she helps people learn the skills for thriving. Her support groups: Healing After Suicide, for survivors of suicide loss; Stayin’ Alive, for people living with suicide thoughts, self-harm, and attempts; and Thriving Family-Friends, for family-friends of suicidal loved ones. Marcia serves on the Steering Committee for NAMI Douglas County, Kansas. She is part of a grief support team with Robin Goff, founder of The Light Center. Since September 2021, she has been very active in two international movements: Coalition of Clinician Survivors, for professional mental health caregivers with personal and/or professional experiences with suicide loss;
and PAUSE, People Addressing and Understanding Suicide Experiences
She also provides training and consultation. And she hosts a podcast and events at
“The Intersection of Art and Emotional Wellbeing.” 

For more, see https://MarciaEpstein.biz

About my Social Work, in Others’ Words

Yesterday a friend asked me about my social work. What follows is a glimpse of how I see the world and how that comes through in my life, including in my social work.

My social work comes from my heart and much more. It comes from all my identities, experiences, and perspectives at that moment in time. Experiences since early childhood, where my most loving and extensive experiences were with Mom, my brothers, and my maternal grandparents. “Professional” experiences that began with volunteering during high school and continues across decades in “crisis center” and “suicide prevention” and “mental health social work” with continuing learning through paying attention in real life as well as more formal opportunities.

Sharing Hope:
“The only thing they have to look forward to is hope. And you have to give them hope. Hope for a better world, hope for a better tomorrow, hope for a better place to come to if the pressures at home are too great. Hope that all will be all right. Without hope, not only gays, but the blacks, the seniors, the handicapped, the us’es, the us’es will give up.”
The Hope Speech in 1978
by Harvey Milk
PS Understand that Harvey Milk was talking about real hope, not false positivity. Real hope that comes from action and accomplishment, not just words. (Being understood is very important to me.)
~ https://terpconnect.umd.edu/~jklumpp/ARD/MilkSpeech.pdf

Caring Collaboration with People Who Trust Me To Be Part Of Their Support:
“Imagine a psychiatrist sitting down with a broken human being saying, I am here for you, I am committed to your care, I want to make you feel better, want to return your joy to you, I don’t know how I will do it but I will find out and then I will apply one hundred percent of my abilities, my training, my compassion, and my curiosity to your health – to your well-being, to your joy.  I am here for you and I will work very hard to help you.  I promise.  If I fail it will be my failure, not yours. I am the professional.  I am the expert.  You are experiencing great pain right now and it is my job and my mission to cure you from your pain.  I am absolutely committed to your care.  I know you are suffering.  I know you are afraid.  I love you.  I want to cure you and I won’t stop trying to help you..  You are my patient.  I am your doctor.  You are my patient.  Imagine a doctor phoning you at all hours of the day and night to tell you that he or she had been reading some new stuff on the subject of whatever and was really excited about how it might help you.  Imagine a doctor calling you in an important meeting and saying listen, I’m so sorry to bother you but I’ve been thinking really hard about your problems and I’d like to try something completely new.  I need to see you immediately!  I’m absolutely committed to your care!  I think this might help you.  I won’t give up on you.”
All My Puny Sorrows, novel based on the author’s experiences
by Miriam Toews
Pages 177-178

From Active Support to In My Thoughts and Heart:
“There is something you should understand about the way I work. When you need me but do not want me, then I must stay. When you want me but no longer need me, then I have to go. It’s rater sad, really, but there it is.”
Nanny McPhee, the film
screenplay by Emma Thompson
based on Nurse Matilda
by Christianna Brand

Thanks for “listening,”
Marcia Epstein, LMSW
Survivor of suicide losses
Specialist in life changes, grief,
reducing suicide risk, and suicide bereavement
Lawrence, Kansas, USA

Be Part of the Healing: Our Tragedy of Suicide-Murder

Tragic events, whether natural disasters or from the recent actions of humans, have ripples of impact. Those most personally connected to the area or the beings who directly experienced the tragedy are most affected. Many others feel less intense ripples of impact. We each have the opportunity to help, starting with our own healing as needed, and then through our interactions with others. The key is to let compassion be the guide.

Douglas County, Kansas, USA has recently experienced the tragedy of two sets of deaths that are believed to be from suicide-murder. Families and friends close to these four people in life and with their deaths, will never be the same. Those close ones have been shattered. They need and deserve help with their grief and healing. 

As community members, we can prepare to help by identifying our beliefs about how such tragedy happens, and who it happens to. “Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion, “ says Jack Kornfield, internationally respected psychologist, author, and teacher of mindfulness meditation.

Do we believe that pain, emotional or physical, can be quickly relieved by following a great suggestion? The truth is that pain, as well as happiness, are expected parts of life. For emotional pain, one of the most powerful “remedies” is listening without judging, without interrupting, without providing answers. In the 1978 book The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth, M. Scott Peck, author, Christian, and psychiatrist wrote, “An essential part of true listening is the discipline of bracketing, the temporary giving up or setting aside of one’s own prejudices, frames of reference and desires so as to experience as far as possible the speaker’s world from the inside, stepping inside his or her shoes.” 

Do we believe that talking with someone about our, or their, thoughts about suicide increases the danger of acting on suicidal thoughts? This is a myth.

Do we believe that suicide only happens because of bad parents or bad partners? As I have the long-time honor of being trusted to provide support for people who have lost loved ones to suicide, I assure you that wonderful, loving people lose loved ones to suicide each year.  And wonderful, loving people die by suicide each year.

Do we believe that grief is like a road trip that takes a certain amount of time and then we get to the destination? The truth is that grief is with us forever. With healing, our life grows and the intense pain from grief is no longer the only thing in our awareness. Throughout life, the pain of grief will come and go in waves, sometimes when we expect that pain and sometimes as a surprise.

Do you wonder why I write “suicide-murder” instead of “murder-suicide”?

Do you believe that suicide-murder happens because the one who ended their lives is always acting in anger, wishing to cause pain? Colleagues in the national suicide prevention community provide some perspectives. As with all life events, there is no one explanation. The limited research on suicide-murder within families leads to the understanding that dying by suicide is the primary goal, the perceived need. However, the suicidal one believes that they must kill family members who would not be able to bear the pain and life changes resulting from the suicide death.

We have no opportunity to prevent deaths that have already happened. We must focus on the living, those who are grieving, as well as those who are struggling for other reasons.  That may include any of us. Helping includes listening and also practical help.  As poet Toni Morrison said about grief, “Sorry doesn’t do it. I think you should just hug people and mop their floor of something.”  

Those who are grieving need to share their emotions, thoughts, questions, how they are feeling physically, how their behavior has changed, and stories about the people they are grieving. They need listeners who will not judge, and who can “hold” that pain, without trying to remove it. If the listener fears for the griever’s safety, that concern must be discussed, so together they can agree on supports for safety. In the USA two of the free, 24/7 sources of guidance are calling 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 or texting Crisis Text Line at 741741

Listening is doing something to help, especially when compassion is the guide.


For grief support, including for those thinking about suicide

Personal Supports for Grief

  • Friends-family
  • Faith or spiritual or atheist communities, for those who are part of these

Some Free, 24/7 Supports in the USA

  • 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Phone 988
  • Crisis Text Line: Text 741741

Your Local Grief Support Groups and Helpers

The Light Center Grief Support Team, for those in the Douglas County, Kansas, USA area
Contact Marcia Epstein, LMSW at M.Epstein.LMSW@gmail.com

Some Resources and Information for Grief and for Suicide Grief

Some tips for helping someone who is grieving

  • From Poet Toni Morrison, “What do you say? There really are no words for that. There really aren’t. Somebody tries to say, ‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.’ People say that to me.  There’s no language for it. Sorry doesn’t do it. I think you should just hug people and mop their floor or something.”
  • Video from Megan Devine, author of It’s OK You’re Not OK, “How to help a grieving friend”  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2zLCCRT-nE

For more information about suicide-murder

Resources added August 3, 2023:

About Marcia Epstein, LMSW

I am a mental health social worker who is a long-time member of the USA-and-beyond “suicide prevention community”, a person living with grief from close ones who died by suicide or other causes, and more.  I work with teens and adults experiencing life challenges and changes. My areas of special expertise include grief; reducing suicide risk; support for suicide grief; and support for trans and nonbinary youth and adultsMy home is Lawrence, Kansas, USA where I served as a volunteer, then as Director for 34 years, of Headquarters Counseling Center, now known as KSPHQ, which serves Kansas on 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifelineformerly the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. December 2013, I established my private social work practice rooted in compassion, expertise, accessibility, and collaboration. I help people learn the skills for thriving, while also carrying our variety of experiences.  I do this through individual and “family” work, as well as support groups, retreats, as well as special events for people affected by suicide and/or grief. I provide training and consultation to other helpers and/or learners. The support groups I offer: Healing After Suicide Loss, for survivors of suicide loss; Stayin’ Alive, for people living with suicide thoughts, self-harm, and attempts; and Thriving Family-Friends, for family-friends of suicidal loved ones. I am a member of the Steering Committee for NAMI Douglas County, Kansas. I am part of the Grief Support Team based at The Light Center in Douglas County, Kansas with Robin Goff, founder of The Light Center; social worker Rose Eiesland Foster; healers Donna Hanschu, Shannon Musgrave, and Jancy Pettit; and life coach Ronda Miller. Since September 2021, I am very active in two international movements: Coalition of Clinician Survivors, for mental health caregivers with personal and/or professional experiences with suicide loss; and PAUSE, People Addressing and Understanding Suicide Experiences. I also host a podcast and events at “The Intersection of Art and Emotional Wellbeing.”

Posted on https://MarciaEpstein.biz
Lawrence, Kansas, USA
December 18, 2022


To The Editor, Lawrence Journal-World (Kansas, USA) https://www2.ljworld.com/opinion/2020/sep/09/letter-to-the-editor-preventing-suicide/

Increase awareness of a goal, share action steps for achieving that, and help a community change for the better.

During the month of September, during this pandemic, on World Suicide Prevention Day, and every day, let’s work on helping every person experience life with much goodness, with a sense of being valued, and a sense of belonging. With every person, especially those in oppressed groups, having access to health care, education, housing, nutrition, exercise, art and culture, employment, and fair salaries. With every person having a strong support network and the skills to balance the challenges that are part of life.

Most people have the ability to smile at others more often, listen more carefully, believe what a person says about how they feel, and/or perform small acts of kindness. Some of us can actively advocate for social justice, and some of us can reach large audiences, including people with the power to lead system changes. Some of us are those people.

That’s what suicide prevention really looks like.

Love really IS the answer

Marcia Epstein
Lawrence, Kansas

In Lawrence, Kansas, USA every year on September 10, World Suicide Prevention Day, I host Words Save Lives, a performance event. Thanks to the pandemic, this year’s event was virtual & co-hosted with 3 dear Poet-Friends: Ande Johnson, Cei Loofe, & Ronda Miller. Being virtual, the event was shorter than usual, and featured a diverse set of Artists of Poetry and Music.

This year’s performers from Kansas & Nebraska: Ronda Miller, James Benger, Annette Billings, Cei Loofe, Barry Barnes, Ande Johnson, Johnnie Exel, Poet Laureate of Kansas Huascar Medina, Macey Webb, & Louise / Michael Dieker. Thank you so much!!!!

Many of those performers shared some of their words in the WSL2020 Chapbook / E-Book. In addition, my encouragement to Be The Kindness that makes life worth living, and some of my most recommended emotional well-being (“suicide prevention”) support resources are included. The E-Book is meant to be used through a link, formatted on 8.5 x 11 pages. WSL2020 Chapbook / E-Book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1El_MNKfqxl2oGo8xoaZjGm2AC5AznoJd/view?usp=sharing

Later in 9/13/2020 week the link to the WSL2020 recording will appear on the event page.
Words Save Lives 2020.09.10 https://www.facebook.com/events/996815617440956

A Brief History of Words Save Lives events in Lawrence, Kansas, USA

Poets of Lawrence, Kansas’ Red Tail Collective ~ Megan McHenry, David Douglas, Dustin Baxter, Anna Michener, Erica Hunter, Matthew J. Asbury, Garret Tufte, and Topher Enneking ~ and I launched Words Save Lives on World Suicide Prevention Day, September 10, in 2014. This very special event has grown over the years.

Words Save Lives has grown into a place that creates and strengthens connections, that reminds us that we are valued. A place with all the love and laughter and NO shame. Because We The People, in all our Beauty, need our Experiences represented by Artists of Poetry, Comedy, Story, Music, Drag, and more!

At Words Save Lives we celebrate being together. We celebrate living lives with so much love and goodness that we are able to get through the hardships. We communicate about all that, not just about our experiences with suicide. And we recognize that so many, too many, have more than one of the experiences with suicide.

Words Save Lives really is about Love. Love that is shared within the group of diverse people together in this special space ~ most years, in Lawrence Creates Makerspace. Love between all the people in all the roles: listening, sharing, hugging, performing, talking, drawing …. In 2020, we missed being together in-person, and still we are happy that technology allowed us to be together at #WSL2020

Love really IS the answer!

Marcia Epstein, LMSW
Lawrence, Kansas, USA
M.Epstein.LMSW@gmail.com https://MarciaEpstein.biz

PS I am a social worker with a passion for helping people affected by suicide in any and all of the ways, bringing my personal & professional experience, ongoing learning, and always heart. I know that “Love really IS the answer.”

PPS The candles represent the experiences of suicide that so many of us have too many of:
💖 Red in honor & memory of people who died by suicide
💜 Purple for living with suicide grief
💙 Blue for living with suicide thoughts, self-harm, suicide attempts
💛 Yellow for friends-family supporting suicidal loved ones
White for people working (volunteer or paid) supporting suicidal people


With hope, I share this photo taken while kayaking on Lake Shawnee.  I hope we all believe there is light at the end of the tunnel: of the most painful times of our personal traumas and struggles, of the global COVID-19 pandemic, of the hatred in our country and elsewhere.  And I hope we all experience some beauty even while we’re still in that tunnel.

A life lesson from the pandemic: In this time, doing the things that are self-care-for-you is essential.  For my husband Kyle and me, kayaking is the thing.  We live in Lawrence, Kansas which has a bunch of lovely lakes within an hour or so.  And with daylight until about 9:00pm, we kayak a couple of times weekly, weather and work schedules cooperating, which means most weeks.

Some Kayaking Suggestions for a new Kayak Kansas Family
Adaptable for other areas 🙂

Have a clear waterproof case with cord (to wear around neck) for at least one person’s cell phone: for camera and for helpful location apps

Have water and life jacket for each person.  Even though it’s much cooler on the water than on land, especially if it’s a hot day with few clouds, you need plenty of water.

Wind speed: affects ability to control direction of kayak, and whether waves may splash a lot of water into your kayak. 

“Generally, any wind under 10 knots (about 11.5 mph) offers safe kayaking regardless of wind direction.”   Our phones have a weather app that includes windspeed info.

Current advisories about Kansas lakes with the dangerous algae issue:

Perry Lake kayak ramp close to Ozawkie, KS
A basic map http://perry.uslakes.info/Maps/ shows that “Old Town Ramp” which is across the dam from Ozawkie is closest to Ozawkie.  But last week when we went there, there was so much wood debris in the cove of the boat ramp that we didn’t try going in there.  “Longview Boat Ramp” is the one that we used.  If you use that one, pay attention to the fact that it starts in a cove that’s a bit tucked in from the main body of water.  We mention this because when we were trying to end our last kayaking there, we did not recognize the area, and then kayaked another mile past it before looking at our app and figuring out what we had done.  Oops.  No harm, just more kayaking than planned.  As a friend once said, “We weren’t lost.  We knew where we were.  We just didn’t want to be there.”

Perry Lake boat ramps basic info 

App that maps your travel on the water, which is helpful to get you back to your starting point 🙂
We use the iPhone Paddle Logger app to give us a map of and log of our trips.

Some other recommendations for android or iPhone

Find your car app on phone is helpful for finding your entry point on a lake, if your car is parked near there 🙂

Peacefully Coexisting With COVID-19: Part 5, It IS Tough

During this time of “pandemic jail” I participate in many learning opportunities and conversations about suicide, grief, and this pandemic; I cry most days; I laugh each day; all because that’s who I am.  So again, I’m here, sharing some of the meaning I make related to this pandemic time.  Plus, an article and a song about what to expect of oneself during this strange time.  And a joke.

We each live with the variety of harsh experiences, beautiful highlights, and what’s between those points, that we’ve experienced in our lives up to this moment.  This COVID-19 global pandemic is unlike any previous traumatic event in the world for reasons including: this virus is happening across the globe, not just in one location; there is not yet a clear ending time; the lack of effective governmental leadership in the USA; needing physical distancing as an important tool for preventing the spread of this virus; in the USA alone, as of this hour, over 66,000 people’s deaths are attributed to this virus; and the internet means quick spread of fact and fiction, love and hate.

All of us already living with grief and other traumatic experiences plus empathy for other beings, may experience the impacts of those more intensely with the quantity of references to death and trauma that we are exposed to daily in personal conversations as well as in media.  Those who live alone may be more intensely impacted due to reduced in-person time and physical touch from safe friends-family.  People of color, and people in other vulnerable populations, are experiencing more verbal and physical aggression, and even more physical violence, as well as very limited access to healthcare for any type of need, complicating their suicide grief.  This is not just hypothetical; this is the truth of living in the USA. Yes, this is a very hard time, and we absolutely need to try to be kind to ourselves and others.

And I’m certain that I am not alone in feeling annoyed-to-infuriated by messages that hint at ~ or yell ~ pressure to stay on the bright side. Yeah, no, not always!  So, I’m sharing a couple of recent finds that resonate with me, to remind you that you are not alone in feeling challenged by life in this time of the pandemic.

This article: How To Survive A Plague: (Hint) You’re Doing Too Much
“To summarize: grieve, eat, sleep, numb out as needed. And instead of aiming for positivity or productivity, focus on being kind – to yourself, and to the ones you love.”

This song available on the Facebook of singer-songwriter Cosy Sheridan:
It’s instructive how we come apart”

And still, because as I say, “Without laughter, we explode and that’s just not pretty!” … As many days as possible: Notice some beauty.  Be the goodness in someone’s day.  Do something good-for-you.  Explore nature around your home, or beyond if you have access, including through the internet. (I’m in Kansas and this is a particularly beautiful spring.)  Laugh!  Watch or listen to some comedy; share a joke.  If you are able, cook and eat something beautiful, healthy, and tasty.  (If you need help securing food or other items, please ask for help.) When realistic for you, make at least some of your purchases from small local businesses, including local farms and bookstores.  Write a letter to someone special to you.  If you have access, use videocall for some of your conversations with friends-family.  Encourage people to get informed and VOTE in upcoming elections, local to national.  Finding ways of having some positive impact is especially important in times of uncertainty.

OK, so this joke: A frog goes into a bank. They approach the person at the loan desk and notice that their name tag reads “Patty Whack.” The frog says, “Excuse me, I’d like to apply for a loan.”  The banker, very surprised that a talking frog was in their bank, said, “We only work with humans; no animals can get loans here. Besides, you would need to have collateral.”  The frog pulled a little china elephant out of their pocket and handed it to the banker. ” My father knows your bank president and I have this for collateral.” The banker became flustered and excused themselves to speak with the bank’s president. The banker explained, “There is a frog at my desk asking for a loan. They say their father knows you and this elephant is their collateral.” The bank president said, “It’s a knickknack, Patty Whack! Give the frog a loan!  Their old man’s a Rolling Stone!”

Please, do the things that keep you and those you encounter, and those they encounter, as safe as possible from this virus. As long as people in the USA are still lacking access to testing, treatment, and vaccination; preventing the spread of this virus is primarily up to each individual. And as the poet Gwendolyn Brooks said, “We are each other’s harvest; we are each other’s business; we are each other’s magnitude and bond.”

Some sources of Coronavirus / COVID-19 information
1) Whatever Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of USA’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, says
2) World Health Organization
3) USA’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
4) The governmental health departments local to you

Previous blogs in this series include suggestions and supports for these times.

Love really IS the answer!
Marcia Epstein, LMSW
Lawrence, Kansas, USA

PS I served from October 1979 – November 2013 as the Director of Headquarters, Inc., aka Headquarters Counseling Center, the free, 24/7 counseling center in Lawrence, Kansas. In 2001, Chad Sublet and I started the first Disaster Mental Health Team for Emergency Management of any county in Kansas. Currently, I provide individual, “family,” and group support for all those experiences with suicide, as well as for grief from other causes, and support for other life changes. I live with suicide grief, among other experiences of the harder kind. As well as much love and beauty. My experience and expertise in the area of crisis support and management continues to grow. However, knowing that stuff does not buffer me from the impacts of trauma. It lets me know I’m still a caring human.


Peacefully Coexisting with COVID-19: Safety from Suicide

This pandemic does NOT make people die by suicide. I know this from my decades of (and ongoing) active participation in the national “suicide prevention” community. This pandemic does NOT make people die by suicide.

If you want to “hear” this from someone else, try one of these links:
1) Fear and Isolation May Not Actually Bring A Rise In Suicide
by Emmy Betz, MD, MPH and Jessica Gold, MD, MS; April 13, 2020
2) Suicide Mortality and Coronavirus Disease 2019 – A Perfect Storm?
by Mark A. Reger, PhD; Ian A. Stanley, MS; and Thomas E. Joiner, PhD; April 10, 2020

As family, friends, and/or helpers we have the opportunity and responsibility to provide truth, as well as listening, emotional support, and when needed, help finding resources for emotional support and safety. As poet Gwendolyn Brooks said, “We are each other’s harvest; we are each other’s business; we are each other’s magnitude and bond.”

We must spread the word that dying by suicide does not have to happen just because one is in some group, or has some experience, in common with others who have died by suicide. If we encourage the belief that it is natural to die by suicide because of all of the losses from this pandemic, we help people go toward that direction. When we assure people that it is human and natural to have thoughts of suicide when we are affected by too much painful stuff, we can listen, support, and help people find ways to experience life worth living, and to stay alive.

One of the many reasons that I know this is possible is that I know Thomas Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide. Joiner’s research basically showed that the intersection of three things leads to high risk of suicide. When a person experiences: 1) lack of belonging; 2) believing one is a burden; and 3) acquired capability for violence/ harming oneself; the likelihood of acting on suicidal thoughts is high.

We have the opportunity and responsibility to help others believe that they belong and are valued, not a burden. In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic we need to urge #PhysicalDistance and #SocialConnection through all the safe methods of technology, including hand-writing letters, as well as some safe in-person contact at a 6′ or more distance, including outdoors in sunshine.

I am also a big fan of helping people develop and periodically update a Safety Plan as designed by Barbara Stanley, PhD and Gregory Brown, PhD. This plan is about identifying what one really knows, and safe ways one really will use, for easing the pain/ getting calmer. http://suicidesafetyplan.com/

For additional suggestions and for information about some of the USA’s free, 24/7 emotional/ mental health supports, please see my two previous “Peacefully Coexisting …” posts.

Some sources of Coronavirus / COVID-19 information
1) Whatever Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of USA’s National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases, says
2) World Health Organization
3) USA’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
4) The governmental health departments local to you

And most important, BE KIND! To yourself and others! Love really IS the answer.

If you are having those thoughts of suicide, please know that you are not the only one, and you do not have to act on those thoughts or urges. Please find someone who will listen, believe you, and help relieve some of the emotional intensity or numbness. Please.

If you are someone who is living with suicide grief, you deserve caring support. When your brain has the thought that the person’s death is your fault, and you are feeling guilty, try to accept those thoughts and feelings as natural for people who are grieving, and also remember that just because your brain has a thought, that thought is not always true. Talk with others who understand. We are around.

So many of us have more than one of the experiences with suicide: grief from the suicide death of one or more people we love; living with our own suicide thoughts, attempts, and/or self-harm; supporting someone we love who is suicidal; and/or working (volunteer or paid) as a support to people who are suicidal. Talking with people who “get it” is an important part of the support we deserve.

Take really good care!
Marcia Epstein, LMSW
Lawrence, Kansas, USA

PS I served from October 1979 – November 2013 as the Director of Headquarters, Inc., aka Headquarters Counseling Center, the free, 24/7 counseling center in Lawrence, Kansas. In 2001, Chad Sublet and I started the first Disaster Mental Health Team for Emergency Management of any county in Kansas. Currently, I provide individual, “family,” and group support for all those experiences with suicide, as well as for grief from other causes, and support for other life changes. I live with suicide grief, among other experiences of the harder kind. As well as much love and beauty. My experience and expertise in the area of crisis support and management continues to grow.


Peacefully Coexisting with COVID-19: Part 2 & Part 3

I wrote these primarily for people in my groups, which are not currently meeting in person. All of those people have access to technology and internet at home. I realize not everyone does.

Peacefully Coexisting with COVID-19, Part 2

In this time of global coronavirus pandemic, we still NEED Social Interaction, with physical distance between beings.

Two of the Safe-From-Sharing-Germs ways are:
1) Outside, with at least 6 feet between beings, and still covering sneezes and coughs
2) Videocalls while doing things that we might otherwise do together: cooking & eating a meal, sitting around a firepit, listening to music, watching something on a home screen, dancing, creating art,…

For those who are not yet users of free videocalling services, three that really are easy to use (because if I can, anyone can) are:
1) For those with Google accounts, GoogleHangouts
2) Skype https://www.skype.com/en/
3) Zoom https://zoom.us/

A friend shared this very helpful and short Zoom tutorial:
How to Use Zoom – Free Video Conferencing & Virtual Meetings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMUxzrgZvZQ

Happy socializing!

Peacefully Coexisting with COVID-19, Part 3:
#EmotionalSupport in the time of #Polarization #COVID19 #PhysicalDistanceSocializing #FinancialConcerns & more:

💖 Doing the Good-For-You-Things

🧡 Communicating with your Friends-Family through messaging, videocall, email, phone, letters & cards, at a distance of six or more feet & still covering sneezes & coughs

💛 Using some of those free, 24/7 supports for the USA, like:

~ Crisis Text Line: Text “Start” to 741-741 As the name implies, this is text not voice. http://www.crisistextline.org/get-help-now/

~ NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Helpline: only M-F 9am-5pm CDT at 800-950-NAMI (6264) or info@nami.org www.nami.org/find-support/nami-helpline

~ National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233, https://www.thehotline.org/

~ National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (8255),  https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

~ RAINN, Rape Incest National Network: 800-656-HOPE (4673), https://www.rainn.org/

~ The Trevor Project: for LGBTQ+ teen and young adults http://www.TheTrevorProject.org 866-488-7386; plus chat and text options included on the website

~ Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860, staffed by trans & nonbinary people, for trans & nonbinary people www.TransLifeline.org

~ Veterans Crisis Line: http://www.VeteransCrisisLine.net 800-273-8255 Option 1; plus chat and text options included on the website

~ Plus peer-to-peer support: 7 Cups of Tea, www.7cups.com

💚 Meeting with a mental health therapist or coach: Depending on public health recommendations of the time, that might be in person, by videocall, by phone or text.

💙💜🖤💖 I’m one of those mental health helpers. I meet with people ~ by phone, by videocall, and in person ~ at a variety of times of the day & week, with the person deciding how much they are able to pay, including no pay when needed. More info on this website 🙂

You deserve support!

Take good care … really good care!
Lawrence, Kansas, USA



Peacefully Coexisting With COVID-19

The whole world and all of her beings are impacted by the existence of the Coronavirus / COVID-19.  Including you and all the people you care about, as well as those you don’t yet know.

In my area, testing for Coronavirus / COVID-19 is rationed by the Kansas Department of Health and EnvironmentTreatment specific to this virus does not yet exist.  However, opinions, recommendations,  and some facts are broadcast 24/7 in real life, on social media, online, TV, radio, in our dreams, ….

Through March 2020 and potentially longer, many public and private businesses are temporarily closing; events, including support gatherings, are being cancelled.  People whose income is from small local businesses are losing income.  Schools of all levels are closed for varying durations.  So families with adults who work while children are in school may or may not have safe options to keep working.  When colleges and universities close their campuses, even when they will continue educational programs online, residential students may have no resources for housing, food, or transportation to another “home.”

This is freaking stressful!  Expect to be impacted.  Beings are supposed to care about each other and themselves.  (And yes, that includes those of us who are designated helpers.  We helpers take responsibility for our own care, so we can help others!)

I’ve been around crisis work long enough to remember when HIV / AIDS was a new public health concern with no treatment.  And in those days, the basic recommendations were: keep your stress low and live like you, and everyone you are in contact with, are HIV+.  And that is what I advocate for current times and Coronavirus / COVID-19.

So what are you supposed to do? 
1) Periodically slow down and take a few deep breaths.  Acknowledge your emotions, where you feel them in your body, and your thoughts.  However, remind yourself that your thoughts are not necessarily true.  And be aware that rumination is not helpful, so try to “change the channel” in your brain.
2) Try to get sufficient sleep.
3) Eat healthy, nutritious foods.
4) Drink plenty of water.  (The water in alcoholic beverages does not count.  Just sayin’.)
5) Exercise in the ways that are realistic for your body.
6) Communicate with people you trust to really listen to you.  Your pets count as people!
7) Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.  When they’re clean, you get to touch your face!  Then wash your hands again.
8) Purchasing hand sanitizer is no longer an option, thanks to those who bought up mass quantities.  You may still be able to get the basic DIY supplies, though: alcohol (not the kind you drink!)  and glycerine or aloe gel.  Follow the directions on The Mighty for making hand sanitizer.
9) Clean the surfaces in your living and work environment.  If you use bleach or alcohol, CDC guidelines : Click that link for “how to.”
10) As much as possible, avoid exchanging germs with other people!  Those cleaning suggestions above are important.  And wait there’s more!  The USA’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers prevention tips  Use them!  And expect the tips to be updated as more information becomes known.

Do YOUR things that help YOU cope with hard stuff in life
You need to limit your exposure to “news” as well as how much time you spend thinking about this virus!  And you are more likely to succeed when you substitute a different activity.  As mentioned above: do YOUR level of exercise, and communicate with YOUR people.  Do the things that are helpful to you, that you will really do.  In case you need some prompts to come up with your list, here are some, in no special order:
1) Journaling can be a good way to dump stuff out of your brain, or a good way to remind yourself of some goodness that you experience each day.
2) Arts, crafts, coloring, cooking, ….  Focus on, and enjoy, creating things, whether or not you will share them with others
3) Distract yourself in other healthy ways that fully occupy your brain so that it has no room for a while to focus on worries about the virus.
4) Indulge your senses:
~ soaps, candles, incense, oils with scents that you really enjoy,
~ look for the beauty outside of your front door or even in your home,
~ eat or drink something that tastes really good,
listen to music, stories, poetry, books
~ soothing touch might include wearing really comfortable clothing, a soft blanket on a cold day, petting a beloved dog, cat, ferret, or other fur baby
5) Do the things that anthropologist Angeles Arrien found to be healing activities across cultures: sing, dance, share your story, and spend some time in silence.

And most important, BE KIND!  To yourself and others!

Some sources of Coronavirus / COVID-19 information
1) World Health Organization
2) USA’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
3) The governmental health departments local to you

Take good care… really!

PS  I served from October 1979 – November 2013 as the Director of Headquarters, Inc., aka Headquarters Counseling Center, the free, 24/7 counseling center in Lawrence, Kansas.  In 2001, Chad Sublet and I started the first Disaster Mental Health Team for Emergency Management of any county in Kansas.  Chad and I each completed several courses from the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, as well as Disaster Mental Health training by American Red Cross.  My experience and expertise in the area of crisis support and management continues to grow.


Those who know me know that I do not shy away from that L word. My email signature begins with, “Love really IS the answer.” My posts on Facebook include #LoveWins and

Love is part of my work as well. In The Road Less Traveled, M. Scott Peck explains that True listening, total concentration on the other, is always a manifestation of love.”

A question in my inbox reminded me yet again, that I cannot describe my work with people in just a few sentences. My work is based in love, respect, listening, hope, and “doing what works.”

Who am I as a helper?  I frequently have the opportunity to introduce myself to someone who has been told by a trusted someone (or a search engine) that they should talk with me. My business card above is a start. My commitment to learning and improving must also be spoken about. And that fortune which has lived in my wallet since a November 2013 dinner with dear friend and colleague Bill Geis, Ph.D. is another important statement about me.

And what do I do when people contact me for help? People contact me through a variety of technologies. As my voicemail states, I reply as quickly as is realistic. I do not want to be the reason for a delay in a person finding the help they need, whether or not that help will include me. I encourage the person to let me know some specifics about their need, and I either offer to talk soon, or provide suggestions for other help.

To people in the Lawrence, Kansas, USA area: If you or someone you care about is looking for a compassionate and skilled companion in some personal work, please consider contacting me. The best start is by email to M.Epstein.LMSW@gmail.com

Much more info is on this site https://MarciaEpstein.biz